We believe we can influence a person's attitude towards the principles of freedom, equality and justice through legal education, development and bringing people together.

Human Rights Organization

Become an observer, influence on the development of Kazakhstan
A unique open space where activists, human rights defenders and civil society representatives can conduct trainings, educational initiatives, discussions, meetings, exhibitions, lectures, film screenings and other events.
Humаn Rights Hub
Тәуелсіз бақылаушылар онлайн курсы

Online course for independent observers
Цель – помочь правозащитным организациям и инициативам усилить свое присутствие в социальных сетях и стать более узнаваемыми и влиятельными среди широкой публики

Проект "Лидеры перемен"

Новости Фонда

    18 +
    The web-site reflects information on human rights activities launched by PF Wings of Liberty in 2015, aimed at human rights education.

    Use of ErkindikQanaty.kz materials - only with a link to the resource.
    HR Hub - a training room is available from 10:00 to 19:00
    Sunday is a weekend.
    Office 17, 14 floor
    8, Kenesary Street,
    Astana (Nur-Sultan)
    +7 7172 76 00 00
    The opinion of the speakers and the topics of the events held at HR Hub may not reflect the official position of the Foundation.
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